Dance of Shiva


Shiva, the creator of dance, his dance of anger is called the Rudra Tandava. And dance of joy is called Ananda Tandava. Shiva dances the thunder dance of destruction, the dance of creation, the dance of solace and liberation. When he sees that the world is corrupted, he destroys it with his cosmic dance, the dance of purification and transformation.! Beneath his left foot ignorance is crushed, from his head springs the life-giving waters. The god of destruction performs the dance of creation. Remember that the world of maya is one of opposites. The death for devout Hindus is nearly synonymous with rebirth, so when one dies another one is created. Thus, Shiva is not only a destroyer but also a creator. The rhythm he dances to is that of a world perpetually forming, dissolving and re-forming.!

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